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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Author's Submission Form
  • Ethical Review Committee Form
  • Covering Letter

Author Guidelines


•The Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases accepts submissions in the form of original articles, case reports,
review articles, adverse drug reports, brief communications, clinical pathologic conferences, latest advances,
new techniques, book reviews, letters to the editor and
•The submissions should pertain to the fields of cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery and physiologic topics
related to these specialties.
•Classical work done in other fields of medicine and
surgery may be published.
•The Journal does not accept work that has already
been published or has been sent or accepted else where
for publication.
•However any work presented at a scientific meeting
or published in a preliminary report as in the form of an
abstract will be acceptable only if not already published
in full. The Journal may require a copy of the published
material if there is any doubt.
•The manuscript should be typed in double spacing
in MS Word in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman
fonts and should preferably be submitted as an electronic copy accompanied with illustrations or photographs as appropriate.
•The sections should be arranged in the following sequence; each beginning on a new page:
•Title Page
•Abstract and key words
•Illustrations and legends
(Every table, along with its headings and footnotes,
should also begin on a new page).
•Number pages consecutively beginning with the title
page as page 1 and ending with the legend page.
Original Articles Original Articles should not exceed 4000 words
including title page, Abstract, Text, Figures, Legends and
references. The combined total of illustrations and tables
should not exceed 6 and the number of references should
not exceed 35.
Case Reports Case Reports are limited Case Reports to a total of 1000 words
including title page, abstract, text, references and figure
legends. The number of references is limited to 10.
Review Articles Review Articles are limited to 6000 words including
Title page, abstract, text, figure legends and all references.
The total number of references should not exceed 80.
New Techniques: echniques: echniques: Articles are limited to 1500 words
including title page, abstract, text, figure legends and
references. The number of tables and illustrations should
not exceed 4 and the number of references should not
exceed 10.
Letters to the Editor: Correspondence Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor: Correspondence Correspondence Letters
should not normally exceed 400 words and not have
more than 10 references.
Editorials Editorials are Editorials limited to 2000 words including references. The number of references should be 20. Editorials will be written only on invitation.
Abbreviations and Symbols: Abbreviations and Symbols: Use only standard Abbreviations and Symbols:
abbreviations; avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands
should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
Drug names Drug names the text should Drug names contain the generic names
of any drugs used. However, their trade names can be
mentioned within brackets.
•All papers sent to the Journal will be read by 2 members of the editorial board and after their approval it will
be forwarded to two International referees for review. The
statistician in the editorial board of the Journal shall
evaluate the statistical analysis done in the manuscript.
•In case a manuscript is related to a commercial product, the author must also submit a statement
•Affirming that he maintains no financial or other interest in the product or its distribution.
•Describing his relations (if any) with the manufacturer or distributor of the product.
•If the editors find a potential conflict of interest in the
information given, the statement may be made available to the reviewers or published after informing the
•Do not use the patient’s name, initials, hospital number or photographs unless written permission has been
acquired from him. This documentation should be sent
with the manuscript.
•The authors should also send an affirmation stating
that the study was approved by the institutional review
board and that informed consent was obtained from
each participant.
•The principles set forth by the Helsinki declaration
should be followed (
•If the experiment is on animals the authors should
also send a statement affirming that all animals were
treated in accordance with the, “ Guide for the Care
and Use of Laboratory Animals” published by the National Institute of Health (
•The Title is itle limited to 125 characters; preferably,
there should be no abbreviations used.
•All submissions must have a title, which should be concise and specific to the study.
•Authors Authors list Authors all authors by their full names followed
by their highest degrees and institutional affiliations.
•List the name and full addresses of all the institutions
involved in the research work.
•Correspondence Author Correspondence Author
• Provide full name and,
• Complete postal address with zip or postal code.
• Also provide telephone number, fax number (and email address for communication/ proofs and reprints .
• The authors should clearly mention the manuscript’s
category designation.
a) Original article Original article It should be structured not exceeding 2500 words containing the following subsections.
• Background: Background: Identify the aim or purpose of the
• Material and Methods: Material and Methods: Mention the study design and describe the statistical methods applied.
• Results: Results: Describe the outcome of the study and its
statistical significance.
• Conclusions: Conclusions: State the clinical significance of the
b) Review article/case report. Review article/case report Review article/case report. It should be unstructured not containing more than 150 words.
• Should be limited to 4 to 6 words or short phrases
that will assist in the cross-indexing of the articles and
may be published with the abstract.
• The key words used should only be from the medical
subject headings (Mesh) of index medicus. In case any
recently introduced term is not found in Mesh, the present
term may be used instead.
• This should be concise, summarizing the objective
and rationale for the study or observation.
• Only relevant references should be used.
• Data or conclusions from the work being reported
should not be repeated.
a) Original article
• The authors should explicitly state the process of selection of observational or experimental subjects (Humans/ Experimental animals, including controls)
• Authors should identify the age, sex, ethnicity and
other important characteristics of the study population
justifying the inclusion or exclusion criteria used in any
of these variables.
• The methods (means of data collection), apparatus
(with the manufacturers name and address in parenthesis) and procedures used should be explained in sufficient detail to permit other workers to reproduce the results.
• Provide references for established methods (including statistical methods) and also include a brief description for any methods that have been published but are
not well known.
• Any new or modified methods used should be described, evaluating their limitations and giving reasons
for using them.
• Generic names, doses and routes of administration of any
drug or chemical used should be clearly identified.
• Reports of randomized clinical trials should present
information on all major study elements, including the
protocol (study population, interventions or exposures,
outcomes and the rationale for statistical analysis), assignment of interventions (methods of randomization,
concealment, or allocation to treatment group), and the
method of masking (blinding) have been fulfilled.
b) Review article
• Authors submitting review manuscripts should include a section describing the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting and synthesizing data. These
methods should also be summarized in the abstract.
• Authors should state whether the ethical requirements
are met.
• State the statistical tool and software used e.g. SPSS,
Epi info, SAS, SETS etc.
• State the tests applied e.g. student t-test, chi square
test etc.
• Results are to be presented in a logical sequence in
the text, tables and illustrations.
• Data given in the tables or illustrations should not
be unnecessarily repeated.
• Emphasize or summarize only important observations.
• Findings of the statistical analysis e.g. p values, confidence intervals, odds ratio etc. should be clearly mentioned.
• Further statistical guidelines Further statistical guidelines can be obtained
from the following sources:
1. “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted
to Biomedical Journals” (Updated 2001available from
2. “Notes from the Editors” (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
1996; 112: 209-20).
3. Gardner MJ, Machin D, Campbell MJ, “Use of
Check Lists in Assessing the Statistical Content of Medical Studies” (BMJ 1986; 292: 810-12).
4. Begg C, Cho M, Eastwood S, et al, “Improving the
Quality of Reporting of Randomize Controlled Trails”
(JAMA. 1996; 276: 637-9).
5. Kirklin JW, Barratt-Boyes BG, “The Generation of
Knowledge From Information, Data and Analysis”. In:
Cardiac Surgery, New York: Churchchill Livingstone;
1993. p. 249-82.
6. Piantadosi S, Kirklin J, Blackstone E. Statistical Terminology and Definitions. In: Pearson FG, Deslauriers
J, Ginsberg RJ, Hibert CA, McKneally MF, Urschel HC
Jr, editors. Thoracic Surgery. New York: Churchill
Livingstone; 1995. p. 1649-52.

• The authors should comment on the results, emphasizing the important aspects of the study, the implications of the findings and their limitations.
• The authors should use references to compare and
contrast their results with the findings of recent relevant
• Do not repeat material already presented in previous sections.
• The conclusions should be linked with the goals of
the study. However, the authors should avoid giving
unqualified statements or conclusions not supported by
the data.
• Conclusions should be based on critical arguments.
• A brief acknowledgement may be given by listing
contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship,
but nevertheless helped in the study.
• Financial and material support should also be acknowledged.
• References should be numbered in the order in which
they are first mentioned in the text, tables and legends
by Arabic numerals in parenthesis.
• If a reference is cited only in a table or figure, it
should be numbered according to the sequence established by the first identification in the text at the particular table or figure.
• Journal abbreviations should be used as in Index
The following format should be followed:
•1. Journal Article
Laks H, Marelli D, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA,
Moriguchi JD, Ardehali A, et al. Use of two recipient
lists for adult requiring heart transplantation. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 125: 49-59.
(List all authors if six or fewer: otherwise list first six and
add “et al”)
•2 Chapter in Book
Barner HB. Cardiovascular function and physiology.
In: Baue AE, Geha AS, editors. Glenn’s Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery. 6th edition. Connecticut:
Appleton and Lange; 1996 .p. 1549-60.
•3. Internet Address
Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis (Serial online) 1995 Jan-March.
[cited 1996 June 5]; 1 (1): {24 screens} available from ;
• Each table should be typed with double spacing on
a separate page.
• Number tables consecutively in the order of their first
citation in the text and supply a brief title for each.
• Give each column a short or abbreviated heading
and place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the
• Internal horizontal or vertical lines should not be
• Data given in the tables is not to be repeated in the
text as tables should be self explanatory.
• If the data is used from another published or unpublished source, obtain their written permission and
acknowledge them fully.
• The use of too many tables in relation to the length
of the text should be avoided.
• Abbreviations used in the table should be explained
in the foot notes.
• Illustrations should be sent only if are necessary.
• The Journal prefers to receive illustrations and photographs as electronic/soft copies (as JPG at 300 DPI
resolution); however the Journal can demand the original illustrations and photographs if deemed necessary.
In that case illustrations/photographs should be submitted as un-mounted, glossy prints, from 5X7 inches
(127X 173 mms) to 8X10 inches (203 X 254mms) in
size. Each illustration/photograph should be labelled
on the back indicating the number of the figure, author’s
name at top edge of the figure.
• X-Rays, CT scans, MRIs and transparencies are only
accepted in formatted and scanned form.
• All figures should be professionally drawn or photographed in sharp focus. Free hand or type written lettering is unacceptable.
• Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Symbols, arrows, or letters should be in contrast
with the background.
• Black and white or coloured figures are both acceptable.
• Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the
text. If a figure has been previously published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission
from the copyright holder.
• Graphs, scattergrams or histograms should be accompanied with the numerical data on which they are
• These must be typed on a separate page using double
spacing, with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustration number.
• In case of photomicrographs the legends should
indicate the method of staining, internal scale and magnification.
•The legends should also identify and explain any symbols, arrows, numbers or letters used to identify parts of
the illustrations.
•The authors should use System International (SI) Units
of measurements.
•Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. Blood
Pressures should be given in millimeters of mercury.


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Section default policy

Case Report

Section default policy

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.