Comparison of mean contrast volume in patients undergoing coronary angiography via radial versus femoral approach.


  • Omar Shahid Central Park Hospital, Lahore
  • Qazi Abdul Saboor Shaikh Zayed Hospital , Lahore
  • Masooma Jaffar Abu Umara Medical and Dental College, Lahore
  • Muhammad Zulqarnain Wazirabad Institute of Cardiology, Wazirabad
  • Qazi M. Tufail Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
  • Abubakar Hilal Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore



BACKGROUND: The long procedure time during the angiography results in a large radiation dose as well as large contrast volume used which is linked with higher rates of contrast-induced nephropathy. So the selection of best route for coronary angiography is very important to reduce the amount of both radiation and contrast volume.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVE: To compare mean contrast volume in patients undergoing coronary angiography by radial versus femoral approach.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: It was a randomized controlled trial. The study was conducted in Cardiology Department, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore from June 9, 2018 to December 9, 2018. Total 128 patients were counseled and explained the details of the study. Patients were randomly divided into following two groups using lottery method as Group A: Radial Approach and Group-B: Femoral Approach. Vascular puncture was carried out by using standard radial arterial sheaths. After insertion of sheath in to the artery standard 5000U of heparin and 200mcg of nitroglycerin was administered and by using 6Fr angiographic catheters angiography was performed using non-ionic contrast, timing of the procedure was noted.

RESULTS:  Age distribution of the patients was done, it shows that 27(42.19%) in Group-A and 25(39.06%) in Group-B were between 30-50 years of age whereas 37(57.81%) in Group-A and 39(60.94%) in Group-B were between 51-70 years of age.

Gender distribution of the patients was done, it shows that 36(56.25%) in Group-A and 36(56.25%) in Group-B were male whereas 28(43.75%) in Group-A and 28(43.75%) in Group-B were females.

Comparison of mean contrast volume in patients undergoing coronary angiography by radial versus femoral approach shows that in Group-A, it was 82.70±2.59 and in Group-B, it was 76.19±3.42, p value was 0.0001.The data was stratified for age, gender, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and history of smoking. Post-stratification, independent sample t-test was applied taking p value of ?0.05 as statistically significant.

CONCLUSION: Mean contrast volume was significantly higher in patients undergoing coronary angiography by radial when compared to those with femoral approach.

KEY WORDS: Coronary angiography, radial approach, femoral approach, mean contrast volume.



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